Children’s Resources
Children’s Resources Available Here
Reach kids even if they’re not in your building with top-quality video messages. Find Bible App for Kids videos for the little ones, Konnect for elementary, and Loop and Switch for the older kids. They’re all formatted for the web and ready to stream.
core ministry values
- Joy: we want children to celebrate who God is
- Safety: we ensure physical and emotional safety
- Relationships: we are intentional about building relationships
- Sharing: we equip children to share God’s grace
- Engagement: we encourage active learning
- Application: we plan for a changed life
Home Grown is How We Disciple Children
What does Home Grown look like in action? According to Bernard Doejee, Chaplain at Macarthur Seventh-day Adventist College, it looks like Benjamin (8) and Samuel (10). It’s evident through their active involvement at Church in the Fields. They are the youngest prayer warriors in the Wednesday night prayer meetings, take part in the service each Sabbath by collecting offering and helping in children’s Sabbath Schools, participate in Adventurers and Pathfinders and help with outreach and community projects. This is reinforced by the discipleship they receive at home and in their school.
Making Faith Sticky for Children
Learning and analysing Phillip Hughes’ findings (from Christian Research Australia) that every year in Australia 50,000 young people are leaving the Christian faith and deciding they have no religion got Mitzy Camilo, Children’s Ministries Leader at Mile End Church thinking. She asked, “What is it that we are doing wrong as a church? How can we avoid having our youth leave the church? Going through ‘Lost in Transition’ by David Goodwin during Sticky Faith and learning his explanation of what’s happening in greater detail has really opened her eyes. Read More…